Cultivating the Anointing: 5 Secrets to Growing the Anointing
The term “anointing” is pretty common among Christians. We use it when discussing Christian gatherings, ministers, resources, and more. But then, we must understand that the anointing should be part of our daily lives.
As we said earlier in our “Anointing” series, the anointing brings empowerment and protection and helps us deliver better. If the anointing is essential to a Christian, then one question begs an answer. How do you grow the anointing?
This post will focus on secrets to growing the anointing. Without further ado, let’s get to the crux of the matter.
Secrets to Growing the Anointing
Before we go ahead, there’s something you should know if you don’t already. God anointed you when you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. The Holy Spirit equipped us with new abilities at the “new birth.” As such, old things passed away, and all things became new.
Despite receiving the anointing as new Christians, we must put in the effort to grow it. For this reason, we must find out the secrets of growing the anointing. Here are five secrets to help you out:
Lead a life of constant prayer and sanctification
Jesus Christ is our perfect example. Several parts of the scripture showed that He led a lifestyle of prayer. He would often withdraw to a solitary place to pray. His life goes a long way to tell us that we are limited without constant prayer.
Praying constantly is one thing, but we must cultivate the habit of praying in tongues. Doing this helps us pray for we are unsure what to pray for. Also, it allows us to build ourselves in the “most holy faith.”
Don’t just work on leading a solid prayer life, strive to stay sanctified. God is interested in our character. Having power without character makes you a problem that is waiting to occur. God doesn’t just want you to manifest His power; He wants you to show forth His nature. The only way to display both is to be constant in prayer and sanctification.
Seek the Holy Spirit more than the anointing
Acts 1:8 tells us that we will receive power or the anointing after the Holy Spirit comes upon us. This means that the Holy Spirit is the source of the anointing. Wanting the anointing without having a relationship with the source is a gross mistake.
The Holy Spirit is a person, and He desires intimacy with every one of us. If you will have access to and grow the anointing, you must first develop an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit. No tree can produce fruits if it is disconnected from its roots. Start spending time with the Holy Spirit from today. There are several ways to do this, including:
- Praying frequently, especially in tongues.
- Studying the Word.
- Listening to spirit-filled music.
- Linking up with other believers.
- Meditating on the scriptures.
Have you met certain individuals that only have a foretaste of the anointing and become proud? Sooner than later, they end up drying up. Do you know why? God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.
Receiving the anointing is never about you putting up a show. Jesus Christ said explicitly that we are receiving the anointing to be His witnesses. If you are not going to be His witness, He withdraws the anointing. One of the biggest secrets to growing the anointing is humility. Understand that it is never about you and always about Him. He calls the shots, leads you, inspires you, and your responsibility in all of this is to “follow.”
This secret shares close ties to humility. One of the functions of the anointing is to empower the anointed. What is this empowerment for? To help you serve efficiently and effectively.
Jesus Christ never passed off an opportunity to serve. Acts 10:38 says that He went around doing good, that’s service. First of all, He had to go around when it wasn’t convenient. All His trips, except the triumphant entry, were on foot. He could have stayed in a location and called for people to come so He could attend to their needs.
Secondly, He was doing good, carrying out acts of service. When you receive the anointing, you must be ready to serve. God isn’t about to invest the anointing in a person who doesn’t intend to serve.
Yearn for it
Hunger and thirst are desires to be filled. Psalms 42:2 expresses the desire of the Psalmist for God’s presence and the anointing. As the deer longs for the waters, my soul longs for you.
There is always a higher level regardless of where you operate currently. Yearning for more will always bring you to a place called “deeper.” If you are going to grow the anointing, you must always cry out for more.
The anointing is integral to leading a fruitful life as a Christian. If we are going to maximize the potential that God has placed inside us, we must be anointed. This post has shown you five secrets to growing the anointing. What other secrets do you know? Kindly drop them in the comments section below.
This is a powerful article. I have been edified!
This is sooooo awesome!!!! I would add Fasting
Thank you, this helps me so much
You need to watch your diet as well, and unhealthily diet is a insulator to the anointing. Also when it starts leaving you it leaves you in stages. Also when you prayer more you keep unlocking new levels of the Anointing. There more you dig deeper there more the power people will be falling under the power just because youre in the room.
Great one, so enlightening. Soul winning also
I just am so uplifted and blessed by this article – the five secrets to the Annointing. In a brief and practical way you have shown us clearly what it is all about. and that it is NOT about manifesting God’s power per se. I am so encouraged and filled with the Annointing just reading this. God BLESS YOU ALL MIGHTILY.
Thanks for this it helped me alot!!????????????????
Give thanks always, even of the smallest things in your life, especially in what God is doing.
Be content in everything.
Repent immediately you realized that you have erred or offended someone.
Avoid anything that could pollute your life or your standing with God.
Thank you so very much for this Great Insights
Obey James 1:19-20 Be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger.