Chicago Inter-Church Sports Tournament 2023: Here’s How to Participate

The Chicago Inter-Church Sports Tournament is an annual event that brings together churches in the Chicago area to compete in various sports activities. This event aims to promote unity and sportsmanship among different churches. At the same time, it seeks to create an opportunity for participants to showcase their athletic abilities.

When and where is the Chicago Inter-Church Sports Tournament 2023 holding? How can you register for this event? How can you become a volunteer? Continue reading to get answers to all these questions and several others that may come to mind.

About the Chicago Inter-Church Sports Tournament

chicago inter-church sports tournament 2023
Some attendees at the last Chicago Inter-Church Sports Tournament

Before answering the questions above, it will be great to learn a little about this event, especially if this is your first time. The Chicago Inter-Church Sports Tournament was established some years ago. It has since grown to become one of the most significant inter-church sporting events in the Chicago area.

This event is organized by GodKulture in conjunction with several amazing partners. Some of them include Pray Chicago, KLove + Air1, and Salt + Light Coalition. Through this event, we seek to promote Christian values through sports and other activities.

What to Expect

The vision for this event is to promote fellowship, fun, and unity in the church. It seeks to achieve all of these using sports as a medium. This is the fifth edition of this special event that comes up on Memorial Day.

Over the years, we have had an array of sports events like soccer and different types of races. It will be no different this year and we will have several new sports added to the list. Here is a list of games to expect at this year’s tournament:

  • Soccer
  • Basketball
  • Ping Pong
  • Chess
  • Volley Ball
  • FIFA 23 (video games)
  • Fitness Training
  • Mini Golf

What you should know is that we do a lot more than just play games and engage in sports at this event. The Chicago Inter-Church Sports Tournament is also an opportunity to pray and worship. Usually, this one-day event begins with networking and some pre-game activities by 9 am. Following this, we have a rally and worship session at 10 am. The games finally begin an hour later, at 11 am.

Asides from the sports, some of the other things you should expect include:

  • National anthem
  • Picnic
  • Worship concert
  • Prayers for Chicago, and lots more.

When and Where

The Chicago Inter-Church Sports Tournament is typically held on Memorial Day, May 29 every year. You can take advantage of this holiday to spend time fellowshipping and having fun with loved ones in the company of other Christians. If you are athletic, then you can seize the opportunity to show off your amazing sports skills by representing your church.

Check out the details of the when and where of this event below:

Date: May 29, 2023 (Memorial Day)

Venue: ComEd Recreation Center 434 South Loomis St. Chicago, IL 60608

Time: 9 am – 4 pm

How to Register

Would you like to participate in this year’s tournament? Then, you need to register. Registration for the Chicago Inter-Church Sports Tournament is open to individuals and teams from different churches in the Chicago area.

If you would like to register, you can do that now by clicking this link. You can also reach out to us via email ( if you would like to feature your local church. Once you do, we would connect with you.

How to Volunteer

Volunteering is an essential part of the Chicago Inter-Church Sports Tournament. The event requires the support of volunteers to ensure that it runs smoothly and successfully. If you would like to volunteer as an individual or group, then you can click on this link. Fill out the volunteer form and we would reach out to you.


This year’s Chicago Inter-Church Sports Tournament promises to be the best you have experienced. We are expecting over twenty-two churches and look forward to having you around. It promises to be a time of godly bonding and fellowship. Click here to learn more about this event.


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