Life Boosters: 10 daily habits to make your life better

Is it possible for Christian professionals to make their lives better by imbibing daily habits? Without a doubt. Most of the things that we do, consciously or unconsciously, are the results of habits that we have developed over time. 

We all have imbibed good and bad habits. Making our lives better depends on the ones we continue with, drop, or adopt. In this post, we will discuss 10 daily habits that will help you make your life better.

Habit 1 – Giving thanks daily

When you consider the world we live in today, your instinct is to complain rather than give thanks. Things seem to be going haywire and we would all wish for a better planet. But then, giving thanks daily has a huge impact on your send of contentment and happiness.

Starting your day with a few words of gratitude helps you to see clearly those seemingly little miracles that you enjoy daily. The brain of the natural man is wired to look out for negativity and threats. Over time, this affects your mental health leading to depression and other mind-related issues.

Begin each day by saying a few words of gratitude. Ensure that you are as specific as you can. Finally, ensure that the process isn’t mindless and redundant else, it becomes a waste of time.

Habit 2 – Lay your bed

How does laying your bed help to make your life better as a Christian professional? It is not exactly kingdom culture, is it? Well, here’s the secret behind this simple habit that almost everyone neglects.

Our lives are a culmination of several little things. As such, our immediate environment has a major influence on our productivity levels. It is very difficult to be productive or relax in a very messy environment. Laying your bed each morning is a productive effort that sets the tone for the rest of the day. It also makes it easier for you to relax after a long day of work.

Habit 3 – Keep a daily journal

This is another habit that many people overlook. Some of the greatest men in history kept journals. Why? Journals help to improve our lives in several ways including:

  • Cultivate a habit of gratitude.
  • Record ideas.
  • Allows for reflection to promote self-awareness.
  • Daily organization.
  • Clears the mind.
  • Better decision-making.

Habit 4 – Exercise

Exercising daily is a very important habit that everyone should imbibe, especially those in Christian ministry. It helps one to become more effective at daily tasks. 

Do you know that your physical and mental health are dependent on each other? The Bible supports this statement in 3 John 1:2. “I wish above all things that you prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.” Do you see the link between our minds and bodies and how it reflects on our prosperity?

When you exercise, it releases endorphins that relieve stress and boost your mood. Have you been stressed lately and it is affecting your productivity? Cultivate the habit of exercising daily.

Habit 5 – Drink lots of water

Why should you drink lots of water? One of the key reasons behind this habit is that it keeps you healthy and prevents kidney stones. You must have heard it over and over that, we should all drink at least 8 cups of water.

Here are a few more reasons why you need to drink more water:

  • Relieves constipation.
  • Weight loss.
  • Improves general mood.
  • Boosts brain function and energy levels.
  • Helps to recover and feel better after exercise and rigorous physical activity.

Habit 6 – Draw up a daily to-do list

To-do lists aren’t just for when you are organizing Christian events. They should be part of your daily life. A to-do list is a list of everything that you plan to achieve every day in order of importance and urgency. 

Why should you have a daily to-do list? It makes you more productive because you become more accountable. There is also a certain level of joy that you gain from crossing tasks off this list as you accomplish them. More than anything else, a to-do list improves your time management. You get to achieve more within a shorter timeframe. All you do is move to the next task, instead of thinking of what else to do.


Habit 7 – Pray and read your Bible daily

While this habit should be natural for Christian professionals, many of us still struggle to pray and read the bible. This is mostly because our world has become so fast-paced that we practically don’t have enough time. Not having enough time shouldn’t be an excuse to stay away from God’s presence.

As we work hard to improve our lives, we must remember that we are spiritual beings. This means that we must put in more effort to grow spiritually. If our relationship with the Lord is strong, it reflects on every other area of our lives. Praying and reading the Bible is a refreshing exercise that we must create time for daily.

Habit 8 – Get adequate sleep

Sleeping well is a very important habit that we all tend to neglect as well. There are so many benefits of getting adequate sleep including:

  • Improves the mood.
  • Stabilizes blood sugar.
  • Weight control.
  • Muscle recovery.
  • Better brainpower and memory.
  • Improved immune system.

Have you been struggling with sleep? Click this link to find out how to sleep better.

Habit 9 – Don’t stop learning

Learning something new should be a part of our daily lives. Pick up a book, watch a video, read an article, listen to a podcast, etc. Just do something to learn something new. Technology has made learning a lot easier and you should seize the opportunity.

Habit 10 – Eat healthily

One of the easiest ways to maintain a healthy body and mind is to eat healthily. Stay away from junk food as much as possible. Instead, eat a balanced diet that gives you all the nutrients that your body needs to stay healthy.


We at GodKulture want you to lead a better life. That’s why we have shared these important life boosters with you. Which other life boosters would you like to add to the above and which of them stands out to you most? Let’s discuss below!

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