Reclaim Your Heart: How to Work with God to Mend Your Broken Heart

Having a broken heart leads you down a road of pain and could ruin your confidence. It is even possible to go into depression from being brokenhearted if you remain that way for too long. The good news we have as Christians is that God promises to mend broken hearts. 

If you feel like your heart is broken into a million pieces, God can bring all those pieces together. How do you reclaim your heart after a major heartbreak? Work with God to mend your heart. We will show you a few ways to do this in this post.

Working with God to Reclaim Your Heart

If you’ve got a broken heart, it could be difficult finding your next step. You are at a crossroads with no clue of where to turn. God is faithful, and He wants to help you reclaim your heart. Continue reading to learn how to work with Him to mend your broken heart.

Accept that God knows you are hurting

When your heart is broken, you are likely to feel isolated, left alone with no one looking in your direction. It feels like there is no help coming from any quarters, and soon, you’d slip into depression. Heartbreak may result from acute loss such as the end of a romantic relationship, disappointment by a partner, or death of a loved one.

The first thing that you must do is accept that God knows that you are hurting. He feels your pain, and His arms are open wide to hold you in His embrace. While we think that God doesn’t care, it is us that turn our backs to Him. Psalms 34:18 tells us that God is close to the brokenhearted. Another Psalm explains that God heals the brokenhearted and helps to bind their wounds.

Surrender all

Yes, God mends broken hearts but are you willing to let Him heal yours? God never forces Himself on us, whether to do His will or fix our lives. Revelations 3:20 says He stands at the door and knocks. He will never force the door down to reach you; you’ve got to open up to Him willingly.

For God to begin His healing work on your heart, you have to surrender all to Him. Accept that you have no power to fix your heart yourself, and you need His help. Submitting all in faith puts you in a position for the healing power of God to start working in your life.

Spend time praying

The last thing most of us want to do when our hearts are broken is to pray. Instead, we prefer to wallow in pain and self-pity, but who has that helped? Broken hearts leave us vulnerable, and this is when we need God the most. As such, you should spend time praying to Him in the most sincere way possible.

What kind of prayers should you offer at this time? Below are a few examples that will help you out:

  • Begin with a prayer of acknowledgement, accepting that you have a broken heart and only God can help you.
  • Tell Him that He is your hope, and without Him, you can do nothing.
  • A prayer of forgiveness if the broken heart results from someone hurting you.
  • Ask God to show you the purpose behind the situation you are in.
  • Finally, tell Him to please heal your heart.

You should find peace as you say these prayers because God will always come through for you.

Study the Word

Another thing you will find challenging to do when you have a broken heart is studying the word. But then, you must understand that the word of God is not just letters; it is God Himself (John 1:1). God’s word has creative abilities, making it a potent potion to mend your broken heart.

We fail to acknowledge when we are brokenhearted that God is close to us, and He wants to speak. If only we would listen, His words would bind the broken pieces of our hearts together. Several parts of the Bible tell us how much God wants to heal broken hearts. Search for such scripture read them, and watch how your heart gets back into shape.


You need to work with God to reclaim your heart. As mentioned earlier, He wouldn’t force His way to fix your heart. We have shown you a few things that you must do to work with God to mend your broken heart. Don’t forget to check out other articles on GodKulture as we continue in the “Reclaim” series.

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    1. Hi Twawna, God is faithful. He knows what we need. But we should always ask. Asking multiple times doesn’t mean we don’t have faith. We have no one else to call but the name of the Lord. He will surely speak. Sometimes, He’s already speaking, and we just aren’t listening, but there is no limit to coming to Him. We should always bring our requests and petitions to our loving Father, who always gives generously.

  1. Thank you for your writing. I need too know how to mend my broken heart. I have given my heart to The Lord Jesus Christ, and been baptize. I have been in a bad marriage goingon sixty years. My husband claims he got saved in 1979. But not reading the Word, and verbal abuse and some has physical attacked me. I was giving up hope. I wasn’t reading the Word either. Findlay in good Bible believing church. Pastor have taken my husband under their wing. Just started. Thank you again looking forward to more of your writing.

  2. I have prayed this very prayer countless times over the last year, if not longer, while also reading from His word, trusting in His promises to heal and restore my heart. But He hasn’t. I’ve forgiven those who’ve hurt me; I’ve spent time daily worshipping, talking to God throughout the day, and often at night. I’ve wept out of sheer exhaustion feeling abandoned and rejected because I don’t understand why He won’t do what He had promised. I have surrendured every area of my life to Him and I am growing weaker and weaker. Why? Why am I the exception?

    1. You’re not the exception. I was in a similar place last year, I’d been struggling with some things for a really long time, and between them and stress with school bullies, I was totally emotionally and physically exhausted. I was in my lowest place ever, and at one point I actually came frighteningly close to ending my life. I was totally overwhelmed (teenage hormones), but I thought I was doing everything right. I asked God if he loved me. Well, the answer was in the affirmative, and I was even more confused that He would let me suffer like this. Well, after the school year ended, and I was well into summer, I was doing a lot better. Naturally I was away from certain toxic presences. The real change was not my circumstances, nor did God change. I did. Instead of feeling sorry for myself, I tried to focus on other things. I’m kind of horrible at that, so it was pretty hard. (I had been feeling really sorry for myself, and always dwelt on the negative). I stopped blaming God, (something I used to do even while praying to him) and tried listening to him, instead of beating myself up. As a bonus of school being out, I got more sleep, and was a little less cranky. After what seemed like forever, I was no longer depressed and anxious every single day. I don’t know you; I don’t know if you have already done these things and it didn’t work. I do know that God loves you and wants you to be happy.

    2. Hi Bethany. God’s timing is not ours. I too, have suffered from broken heart…few times. Husband who ‘replaced’ me and our kids, a brain injury from concussions that needs me to be in isolation a lot. Super sucks, as I am a social person. When I got the brain injury, I was already a strong born again believer. I KNEW God would heal me. For few years, I did everything biblicaly imaginable to be healed. Church prayers, online, etc.etc pray pray pray…ask ask ask. Bible studies… I eventually realized, I was close to being obsessed with what ‘I’ wanted. . ‘I’ wanted to be healed , ‘I’ expected it , my church , friends and family too!! I was almost homeless, because I could no longer work.! How much more Lord? Ask.ask.ask…But what if it wasn’t God’s plan to heal me yet? I was forgetting to be thankful for all that He was doing!! As in the verse Philippians 4 : 6-9 ” be anxious for nothing, but in EVERYTHING by prayer and petition, WITH THANKSGIVING present your requests to God. Which transcends all understanding . WILL GAURD YOUR HEART” ..( us humans want instant results and cannot understand why we have to be thankful during hard times . But being thankful…seeing past unanswered prayers…pleases our Lord) Start a ‘blessing’ journal. Fight to see blessings. Even if it’s because it’s raining! We need rain. Eventually, your mind will think of things to jot down…only write blessings. Nothing negative. Ask God to use you AS-IS. To help other people…start a Bible study support group to encourage those who need it!!! Our churches need authentic believers admitting thier struggles. We are not being punished with unanswered prayers… God has an amazing plan for you…He loves you….He has not forgotten you…He has ‘allowed’ our difficult journeys to teach us, not to punish us. To be used for His purpose. As for me, I tell people I’m being healed in slow motion!! God has used me ‘AS-IS’ in mighty mighty ways. Thankyou, because of your honesty in suffering, and me sharing with you, God has reminded me of the difficult journey I’ve been on
      and that it has been an HONOR to be used by Him to help others. To experience HIS strength when I am unable, is miraculous! If God had instantly healed me when I wanted, it would have been a fantastic miracle to share. But God wanted to ‘educate’ me with the reality of living with brain injuries. The lack of support, the grieving of our ‘old selves’, the misunderstanding of the suffering, the gift of the Holy spirit stepping in, when I am unable!!! Through his discernment, I recognize brain injuries, and heartbroken people, without them saying a word.
      I don’t know if my long ‘support’ letter will reach you Bethany. Maybe, once again, God used my ‘heart’ for you, to continue to heal mine. Maybe God wanted to remind me of all the things he has done for me…and that prayers are never ‘ unanswered’.